NHLRC 10th International Conference on Language Teacher Education

We’ll be presenting at NHLRC’s 10th International Conference on Language Teacher Education, UCLA Covel Commons, February 2-4, 2017. The conference, Language Teacher Education for a World on the Move: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Student Populations, will focus on 21st century migration and globalization trends and the resulting need for new approaches to teacher training. Conference sessions will explore the themes of: I. Knowledge Base of Language Teacher Education; II. Social, Cultural, and Political Contexts of Language Teacher Education; III. Collaborations in Language Teacher Education; and, IV. Best Practices in Language Teacher Education.

CLASSRoad instructors, Barbara Lindsey and Bobby Hobgood, will present a session on Saturday morning, Planning for Growth Using TELL, in which they will share lessons learned providing online STARTALK teacher courses that are focused on Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) criteria for critical-need language educators. Attendees to their session will gain insight into practices and resources that support educators as they build their practice as online world language teachers.


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